令和6年7月22日(月)に行われた『令和6年度 米沢興譲館高等学校 Diversity-KOJO講座「女性研究者に聞く!研究者のキャリアパス」講演会及び座談会』に、7名の山大JOINメンバーが参加しました。そして参加者の一人、李さんから活動報告が寄せられました!
On July 22nd, I participated in an event organized by Yonezawa Kojokan High School. This event aimed to help high school students better understand career development and future paths through lectures and interactive sessions. The event was divided into two main parts: lectures by senior and a Q&A session for high school students.
In the first part of the event, a senior graduated from Yamagata University gave a lecture titled “Career Path of a Female Orthopaedic Surgeon”. The senior shared her initial motivation to become an orthopaedic surgeon, including her love for medicine, her desire to help patients, and the unique challenges and opportunities in the field of female orthopaedic surgery. She mentioned that as a female doctor, there are unique advantages in the field of orthopaedic surgery, but there are also challenges in balancing work and family life. She provided valuable advice to students aspiring to pursue medical careers, encouraging them to bravely follow their dreams and offering some practical tips on study and career planning.
The second part of the event focused on answering questions from high school students regarding their studies and future paths. Topics included how to create a reasonable study plan, how to improve study efficiency, and how to maintain good mental health under the pressure of heavy academic workloads. Despite my limited Japanese proficiency, I hope my simple answers were helpful to them.
This event by Yamagata University JOIN not only provided me with valuable advice on learning and career planning but also gave me the opportunity to interact face-to-face with a successful professional in the workplace, listening to her experiences and wisdom. Thanks to the Yamagata University JOIN for providing us with this valuable opportunity, and I hope there will be more similar events in the future to help us better plan our futures.
大木可夏子さん 理工学研究科博士前期課程2年(理)
佐藤智恵理さん 理工学研究科博士前期課程2年(理)
岡田実優さん 理工学研究科博士前期課程2年(工)
李奕潼さん 理工学研究科博士前期課程2年 (工)
竹中 碧さん 有機材料システム研究科博士前期課程2年(工)
藤井りょうさん 社会文化創造研究科修士課程2年(臨床心理)
浅野帆南さん 社会文化創造研究科修士課程1年(社会文化)